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The 47 poorest countries want to go straight to 100% renewable energy


By Anthony Hines


Currently, most of the modern countries are in full struggle to stop using fossil fuels and just non-renewable resources in general. The problem that is created from them is pollution; it is having an effect on the environment. However, poorer countries that aren’t at the point of industrialization, and if they did reach it, what would happen to the environment? Well, they want to skip burning fossil fuels and go straight to renewable energy.


The Climate Vulnerable Forum, the CVF, decided that this was the best plan for moving forward, but how exactly will it work? Well like I said before, the main idea is to skip out on the pollution. Modern countries have already figured out how to create a renewable energy source and are trying to switch to it, but countries that don’t what others don’t, can now simply skip the ‘messy’ part. What they want to do is considered “leapfrogging”, where they are using the technology of better countries to better themselves.


What the CVF is trying to do is gonna take time, but will be what these 47 countries need. The new system is currently dated to be ready between 2030-2050. It is a very far way away, but it will definitely help the world in the long run along with the countries that are apart of it.

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