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Senior Project Start


Madeline Bisel


Hello! My name is Madeline Bisel. Although if you know me you probably call me Maddie. Many people have asked what I have planned on doing for my senior project. I couldn’t tell people before because I honestly had no idea. Now when people ask that question, I can say with confidence that I will be presenting this project on self-esteem.


So far I have just wanted to teach girls on this topic because I don’t know how guys would take it. I have teamed up with Carlie Howard for this project. We have started to put together our website on weebly. We believe that it is coming along quite nice so far.


As this being a start to our Senior Project, We’d like to inform you a bit about what conforming to society will do to you. First, What does it mean to conform to society? My definition: to not be yourself, not comfortable in your own skin. Now by the end of this article you may have your own opinion of what conforming is and that’s okay. Do you know why? Because it is absolutely amazing to have your own idea of a topic. Hints, not conforming.


When I came up with this to be the start of my senior project, I quite honestly did not know how it would turn out. My mom told me, “Honey, not everyone will want to hear what you have to say but there will at least be that one person who takes it to heart.” I will never forget the look in her eyes when she said that. She now has hope for me to live out who I truly am. That is what I want to impact you with as well. Thank you!


We are planning on selling T-shirts in the commons in about a month's time. This project is to raise awareness for the students who do not feel comfortable in their own skin but want to. Carlie and I are hoping to find a charity that we can donate the proceeds too. This is a long extended project so I am sure that we will find someone.


Thank you and we hope to help you find yourself in the midst of all the crazy.

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