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The essentials of pairing
(The do’s and the you wouldn't dare)


Meron Desta



So my last brief introduction to Fall fashion in 2016 was pretty general and informative. This time I want to give you all a little more of my take and opinion on things so you can see a different take and pair up of what I consider night time fashion, day time fashion, school time fashion, and basic everyday lounge fashion. Also, you will be seeing what looks to pair, and what looks you have got to pair. I think you'll love it.

Day Time fashion


What to pair:

During the day, the weather is cool and chill but not too cold that your hands are shivering and you need leggings under your jeans. Now I don't know about you, but I love this weather. It's time girls… Bring out the scarves, the high waisted jeans, the knit sweaters and stockings. Let's get layering! pairing a high waisted jean skirt, with thigh highs and crop top is a good pair. It's a good pair because, you don't need the stockings since the boots come up to your thighs, and you don't need the knit sweater because the skirt is high enough so you will be warm enough with the crop top. Feeling extra? Pair a matching jean jacket. Feeling not warm enough? It's never too late for a cardigan. Feeling daring? A leather jacket is always the way to go. If all these options are still not floating your boat, try pairing a necklace or some accessories. Remember to have fun with it though and matching is a preference!

Night time/ Lounge time fashion

Night time fashion is my all time favorite. I always go for solid colors in the fall especially neutrals. I love bronze/ brown tones, blacks, mauve tones, whites, and greys. The one thing that is an absolute no no is mixing up accessories! For me, it is a must to pair them. By this I mean, if you're wearing silver, make sure it stays consistently silver. Don't wear gold earrings with a silver necklace! I am a huge fan of watches I most always have one on my wrist. Night time fashion for me is alluring and appealing. That means it's all about you girl. After a long day of lounge wear such as joggers and pair of Nike air max’s, it's time to slip on those skinny ripped black jeans, and a good pair of those heels that kill but you love them anyways. I know they're tucked somewhere in your closet. It's time to slip the bralette on or the shirt you never wear because it shows too much back. Thrown on the dark lipstick that you spent WAY too much on and have a good time! Remember Saturday night only comes once a week.

School time fashion:

I know we all dread going to school, but maybe slipping on the perfect outfit will make it a little more bearable. Now I understand that there is a dress code that is extremely enforced but remember, it's fall! Which means the fashion just keeps on rising. Jeans jeans jeans. I love them! Who doesn't? Don't ever underestimate what a pair of jeans can do to your outfit. Sometimes, it even ties it together. Thrown on a simple white tee, a bomber jacket, and your favorite light washed or dark washed pair of jeans and some boots. You're set! Layer your lashes in some mascara, and please don't forget your lip gloss this time and rock your outfit. The secret is you actually don't look like you read this blog and got the inspiration, it looks effortless. Strut and slay there is never another option.  


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