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By Zak Egal


Human Trafficking is a form of modern slavery. A multi-billion dollar criminal industry that denies 29.9 million people freedom, and no matter where you live it is happening near by. From the girls forced to prostitution at places like a truck stop,or a house or club, to the man discovered in a restaurant kitchen stripped of his passport and and held against his will. All trafficking victims share one thing in common, they don’t have freedom.  


There are many different types of trafficking. Sex trafficking, forced labor, child labor, commercial sexual exploitation of children(CSEC), child soldier, and many more. Trafficking is a deal or trade in something illegal.


Trafficking is never talked about on the news and is never brought up. Out of all the different types of trafficking, human trafficking is the most commonly discussed.


Some ways to recognize human trafficking are if someone doesn’t know where they are or  has no idea what time it is or what time of day, they could be a victim. If they look unhealthy and tired and is dressed like they’re  going to a party at 9:00 in the morning, they could be a victim. If they don’t make eye contact and look and sounds scared they could  be a victim. If you see a suspicious looking truck, or truck driver, make sure there is no one in the back of the truck because that’s how these victims are being transported from point A to point B.

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